As I’ve been taking a few (actually more than a few) months off social media, I’ve been going through all of our family photos to print and scrapbook! So while I’m collecting and reminiscing, I thought it would be fun to update the blog as I go through these memories to keep our family and friends in the loop. So if you’re seeing this, hi!! I’m so glad you’re here. ❤️

One of the main reasons I’ve felt motivated to start putting together these memories is because we left the smallest storage unit of our most precious things back in New York last summer. It made me realize that we all have a few special boxes full of things, but I really want to be better about recording our experiences so we can look back on them later.
So while this blog is a lot of everything, the posts tagged “family” will just be personal updates! Some from the past and some ongoing. You can use the search feature to find more on this section to stay updated on our splendid life!